Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Trip to Patan

Yesterday Claire and Antonio and I made lunch (which is the main meal) for Dilli Mama and her family. We made chanah dhal (lentils) and rice and several vegetables (greens, green beans, and mushrooms). After that I tried on my blue sari with the petticoat, and in the afternoon Antonio and Claire and I took a taxi to the town of Patan south of Kathmandu. The central square there, or Durbar Square, faces the old royal palace, which is now a museum. The square is filled with Buddhist temples from 400 years ago. The museum explains the gods of both Hinduism and Buddhism, and includes a beautiful garden. After the museum, we walked around the square and then stopped for awhile in a restaurant overlooking the square. Downstairs they were watching Korea and Greece play in the World Cup, so all the cheering added to the festivities.

This morning it is raining, and the air has cooled pleasantly. More shopping is on the schedule for today.

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