Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday in Pashupatinagar

Sunday it rained on and off all day. We had been hoping to take whatever small roads we could find out into the countryside, but at first we couldn’t find any. So we walked the length of the town from our hotel near the Indian border down the one street, which led down the hill, sometimes steeply. We found a shoe store, with a cobbler sitting in the corner actually making the shoes. We were so impressed with that that we each bought a pair.

At the very end of the town we saw a path with Buddhist flags lined up on poles, so we took it. It led us up a hill to a beautiful building, where young Buddhist monks came to learn. The adult monk who was there showed us around inside and gave us incense to offer to the various gods lining the walls, then blessed us with aromatic water. Having been in many Christian churches and monasteries that were somewhat less than eager to welcome visitors, I was struck with how open and warm they were, even though we had come in from nowhere. I had begun to get used to Nepalis innocently wearing shirts with English writing or symbols that we would consider puzzling or inappropriate, but the lay man’s Playboy shirt was too funny. Unfortunately when I tried to get him into a group picture I couldn’t subtly get the shirt front and center, so you have to take my word for it.

Everywhere we go are not only rickshaws that have been elaborately painted, but freight trucks that bear pictures of flowers, landscapes, mountains, gods and goddesses. I finally got a good picture of one that was parked nearby the monastery.
As we made our way back up the hill toward the hotel we found a dirt road too muddy and rutted for autos, but fine for careful walkers, so along with several other pedestrians we took it. It led into a woods of ferns and overhanging trees, simply beautiful. A passerby told us that the path would lead to the next village, some 8 km. away. We didn’t go all the way, but enjoyed it very much. Later we took a small foot path that branched off from this road and climbed a hill to discover a large soccer field and a stunning view.

Finally, at sunset we went to the roof of the hotel and took a few pictures of the darkening clouds and landscape.

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